VII-B. Sarcophagi

VII-9 Labors of Hercules

Sarcophagus showing Labors of Hercules.

From Left: Killing the Lion, Killing the Hydria, Capturing the Boar, Capturing the Stag, Obtaining the Apples of the Hesperides.

(Archaeological Museum, Konya, Turkey)

VII-10 Triumph of Dionysus

Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland.

Sarchophagus showing the Triumph of Dionysus. ca. 190 AD.

Detail: Dionysus in chariot drawn by panthers, elephant in background, assorted members of the thiasos.

Detail: Elephant, lion, maenad, Silenus (?), ending with woman (priestess? Deceased?)

VII-11 Dionysus and Ariadne

Walters Art Museum, Baltimore.

Sarcophagus showing Dionysus' discovery of the sleeping Ariadne. ca. 190-200 AD.

In the center, Dionysus (his head destroyed) leans against a satyr. At the right, Ariadne sleeps. Note Cupid is presenting the sleeping mortal to the god.

VII-12 Selene and Endymion

Early 3rd century AD. Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Central figure: Selene (the moon) descends from a chariot and approaches the sleeping figure of the shepherd Endymion.

Detail of Selene and Endymion. Note the winged children (erotes/cupids) leading Selene to Endymion, lighting the way with fire brands.

VII-13 Jonah on Early Christian Sarcophagus

From the Church of Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome, ca. 275 AD.

From left: Ship and sea serpent ("whale"); Jonah asleep; praying figure; man reading; good shepherd; baptism of Christ. Compare Jonah to sleeping Endyion.

Persons and Events:

  • Andromeda

  • Circe

  • Dirce (Dirke)

  • Europa

  • Odysseus

  • Pentheus

  • Perseus

  • Ulysses

  • Venus

  • Monster killing

  • Punishment

  • Rape

  • The Loves of Jupiter

Objects and Places:

  • House Decoration

  • Pompeii

  • Painting on house walls

Texts and Authors:

  • Homer

  • Odyssey

  • Iliad

  • Ovid